
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Art of Feminine Beauty

The Art of Feminine Beauty

Women should be independent; we are not dolls on shelves, but a woman should take pride in her beauty and strive for a timeless look that still reflects her own unique style. Grace and eloquence have all but been lost in the female of today. Why can we not retain these qualities yet still express our own individualism? I fear that in our search for independence we have digressed to a point bordering barbarianism in our femininity due to our lack of pride in our appearance and manners and to our efforts to take our expression of freedom further and further beyond the realm of reason; to the point that we are cutting our noses off to spite our faces, as the saying goes.

So much too of the exterior appearance of the woman is due to the interior state of confidence, or lack of, and the level of self worth. If these things are low on the inside, this is reflected on the outside and of course extends to every area of our life, including our appearance as well.

It is important for women to find a balance between the inner and the outer, and then she will be confident in herself and this will show in the woman whom she presents to society or at home to herself.

Being contemporary, independent, modern women should not result in the loss of our most precious, blessed and natural state; our feminine beauty and our comfort with it.The art of feminine beauty is available to each of us within if only we will strive to bring it forth, inside and out.

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