
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Vintage Tin for Storing Herbs

A recent treasure that I picked up for a dollar was a vintage Grennan fruitcake tin from the 1930s. I love to collect these tins (old and new) and I have many of them; most are Christmas tins. I use them for storing herbs and mixing potpourris in. If they are new, I use them for storing holiday goodies like cookies and fudge. 

top view Grennan fruitcake tin

side view Grennan fruitcake tin

This tin is now filled with bags of dried chamomile, rose buds, rosemary and lemongrass and when I have harvested and dried all of the flowers and herbs I will be using in my next batch pf potpourri, I will mix the potpourri in the tin and store it there until it is ready to bag up.

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